The solid-state infrared sensor has no moving parts, a compact optical cell, and microprocessor-based calibration factors using a 6th order polynomial equation and 32 bit processor to linearize the full range of measurement up to 100%.
C902D O2 / CO2 Dual Track ANALYZER
For Analysis of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Gas Flushed (MAP) Food Packages.
Rugged miniature diaphragm pump has electronically controlled timing function to operate only when sampling. Provides high flow rate and long operating life.
The pump is electronically timed to draw in the amount of sample required for the analysis, and then turns itself off after the pre-set sampling time (5 to 10 seconds). The concentration is read on the display.
Totally sealed, long-life gel battery (optional) accepts full or partial charging cycle. Charger module plugs into standard 115 Vac outlet for charging or continuous operation.
Micro-processor based electronics provide sensor signal processing, battery charging, pump timing and on/off control for high accuracy and reliability with minimal component use and reduced size and cost
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